Our Current Mission
Divine Grace Cares is excited about its new mission!
During our spring youth missions conference the teens prayerfully researched unreached people groups throughout the world. One team felt especially burdened for the people of Yemen. Their research not only showed that there were virtually no Christians among their people group. We were unable to locate any foreign missionaries working among them. Yemen has historically been very closed to the Gospel and the recent war has made it virtually impossible to enter the country. Due to the war, tens of thousands of refugees have fled for safety in neighboring countries. After gathering information from mission agencies and relief organizations we feel the best plan of action to reach Yemen is through the refugee population in Djibouti who are awaiting their return when fighting subsides.
Our intention is to see Yemeni people brought to Christ and a self-sustaining group of believers established who could spread the Gospel first to their own and then throughout the middle East and North Africa. Our trip will begin in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where our 2 teams will each make their way to the refugee camps there. From Ethiopia, we will travel by train to Djibouti where the bulk of the refugees are located. We will be searching for opportunities to serve these hurting people and openness to the Gospel. Our purpose is to bring “Amalu alyaman”(Hope for Yemen) first by relief from famine, but ultimately through a relationship with Christ. This is a preliminary Pioneer trip, so we do not know what type of response to expect. We are praying for a supernatural open door for ministry.
December 2nd - 12th 2019
Please pray for God to open opportunities for us to share the gospel share the love of Jesus Christ in whatever ways the Lord may allow us!

Needs two sponsors at $31 each per month, or one sponsor at $62 per month.

Needs two sponsors at $31 each per month, or one sponsor at $62 per month.

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Needs two sponsors at $31 each per month, or one sponsor at $62 per month.
Watch One of our Trips

To give a one time gift or to set up monthly support click here.

On this page you will see projects that we are working on and how you might be able to be a part of an upcoming trip or building project.

The purpose of our organization is to help in third world countries with housing, food, clean water, and education. To learn more click here.